We have to accept the fact that experienced translators do commit mistakes and there are some of them discussed below.
· Rely too much on your memory or experience
No doubt, getting more experience in an area to let us speed up, makes us better translators resulting in higher per hour income. But we should never become too reliant on memory or experience. If you keep on doing things like “I have seen this word before”, “I remember how I translated it” and I have worked on a similar text. All these aspects can be positive and tricky at the same time.
Relying too much on how you did something in the past makes us less vigilant, less curious and less attentive.
· Gloss over a text without giving it the required attention
Always focus on proper text analysis. We learn these things as translation students but we tend to forget it with time. It’s also important to know what happens with this powerful tool, does it get internalized as we would hope it to or does it get blunt.
· Not following developments
When you are a new translator, you try to follow everything, read all magazines, subscribe to all newsletters, go to all events you can. Although, you should not be doing it all the time but what is lacking is translators don’t want to read an industry magazine forever, miss out on catching up with the colleague’s blog; don’t focus on what’s actually happening in the industry.
All these sources are still somewhere in the periphery but they don’t pay as much attention as they used to. These days, translators should at least scroll through subject lines and titles to get the gist of what’s happening. Try to stay up-to-date with the major developments and go to details of some important aspects.
· The curse of knowledge
You may have noticed that some translators throw acronyms, names, ideas, people and companies assuming that everyone knows what they are actually talking about. The insider knowledge is often a source of pride, sign of belonging and possessing privileged information. They easily forget that getting to the point of understanding and seeing connections in the industry takes a long time. And we expect even a newcomer or from another colleague to get the same acronyms, names, and concepts. When they don’t, you count them as under the rock.
However, if a client expects Productive Hungarian Translation Services in Chennai from an experienced translator, it would be better to avoid the above-discussed mistakes.
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